Monday, October 19, 2009


Blogging is a nice thing.  It lets me speak my mind, and it allows me to share my thoughts with those close to me...and the whole world for that matter.  Folks can have some level of insight into my day, my thoughts, and my life.  It's a great thing.  Some say it's too revealing, and they would never publically show so much of themselves in a public forum.  Whatever works for you. 

I can't really tell who reads my blog.  I just have to go around asking people if they've read it.  I've asked some friends, and they said they read it.  Never said anything about, but read it.  I asked what they thought...and got blank stares.  Not exactly the results I had hoped.

Comments are available to be made, but no one makes any.  I would request that, when you read my blog, please make some sort of comment.  Whether it's one word, a single sentence, or weighing in on the topic, anything would be nice.  It may give me an idea for my next topic.  It may inspire others to comment.  We may get to know eachother a little better.  Hey, you may make a new friend!

1 comment:

  1. How come I don't see anymore posts? From your sausage lover.....
