Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Theme/New Title

My blog was just released from rehab. During the last 90 days, it's learned a lot about itself. It decided that, since things always seem to be changing in my life, what may fit one day isn't going to fit 3 months down the road. It has accepted that is can change, and has done so.

I have not written to my blog for a while; it's been between 6 to 8 weeks.  I was in a very different place when I started this blog.  I'm not in that place anymore.  I renamed the blog, and I think I will continue to rename the blog as my mood see's fit.  It's mine, and I'll do with it as I please!  YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?  I didn't think so.

It's ski season, and that's going to provide a lot of material to write about.  I ski 3 or 4 times per week, and am working to be an instructor at Ski Roundtop.  I have a lot of trips planned, too, so there will be plenty of adventure.  I think this theme is going to be far more interesting, and far less dramatic than the previous theme.  You will enjoy it...I know I will.

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